The Challenge In an Ethylbenzene/Styrene unit, ethylene and benzene are combined to producetrue

1 min read
The Challenge
A Gulf Coast pipeline operator contacted RTI when
their compressor station began carrying sludge and “coffee ground” fines mixed with hydrocarbons to the paraffinic compressor circuit, harming their seals and valves and shutting down the compressor.
The facility’s historical approach to open equipment and manually remove foulant from the compressor, piping, and additional equipment would take several weeks. The team wanted a faster and less invasive alternative.
The Solution
RTI put together a rapid response plan, mobilized, and executed a successful vapor phase clean for approximately 500ft of 30” piping containing an inlet and low-pressure separator all within two weeks.
Utilizing effluent capture during the 3-day cleaning
window and keeping the decon in a closed-loop system eliminated environmental exposures and personnel hazards. RTI also supplied the facilities with a full mechanical rental equipment package and third-party mechanical labor to expedite the process.
The Chemistry
RTI utilized a vapor phase application for this clean. The
flare system was used for “heat-up” and frac tanks for
chemical injection effluent. With future applications, RTI recommends two temporary boilers be supplied to expedite heat-up and eliminate the potential for delays.
Under the guidance of RTI, the facility acquired frac
tanks, diesel tanks, water, and vac trucks for the clean.
The Results
All foulants from the piping, lines, and compressor
were successfully removed with vapor phase cleaning and water rinsing. Starting the facilities back up 3 – 4 weeks sooner than anticipated allowed the facility to install new filters, get back online quickly, and run without harming equipment.
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